
Writes the text to the screen at the absolute row and column location.

Available in:

Apps (win) Apps (char) Reportwriter RPC Standalone PL


string scribble(row,col,text[,visual-attr])
int             row,col,visual-attr
string          text


Returns text, writes it to the screen at specified location.
row specifies the row position for the displayed window. -1 places the upper left of the box at the cursor position. -2 places the box in the center of the screen.

col specifies the column location of the view box; -1 places the upper left of the box at the cursor position. -2 places the box in the center of the screen.

text specifies the text to write.

visual-attr (optional) specifies attributes. See field_visual() for details.


Use this function, which writes directly to a screen, to debug or continuously update a particular position on the screen, such as a counter.