
Creates a window to enter data, e.g. text, images, and returns a glob.

Available in:

Apps (win) Apps (char) Reportwriter RPC Standalone PL


glob prompt3(row,col,data)
int          row,col
expr         data


Returns user input as a glob.
row specifies the row position for the displayed window. -1 places the upper left of the window at the cursor position. -2 places the window in the center of the screen.

col specifies the column position for the displayed window. -1 places the upper left of the window at the cursor position. -2 places the window in the center of the screen.

data specifies the data to be displayed in the window. Data can any PL/Trim variable type.


If the data in the window is strictly text, then the returned glob will contain only text. If there other ojects, e.g. images, then the returned glob will be in RTF format.