
Creates a box for prompt text.

Available in:

Apps (win) Apps (char) Reportwriter RPC Standalone PL
X X X X  


string prompt2(row,col,text[,text...],field-text,len,visual,box)
int            row,col,len,visual,box
string         text,field-text


Returns user input.
row specifies the row position for the displayed window. -1 places the upper left of the box at the cursor position. -2 places the box in the center of the screen.

col specifies column location of the view box; -1 places the upper left of the box at the cursor position. -2 places the box in the center of the screen.

text (optional) specifies one or more text lines.

field-text specifies text to be placed in field.

len specifies the length of text field.

visual specifies visual attribute of field.

box allows you to draw a box around prompt. If this value is true (nonzero), the function draws a box.


The number of text lines and the last text plus len determine the box size. The field is placed after the last text line. Keys 0 and 3 return except if len is 1, in which case all keys return. If key 0 or OK is clicked, G.aux = true. Otherwise G.aux = false.

The prompt window is always closed on exit. Use refresh(false) to give the appearance of remaining open if needed for error handling.