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int field_test(data[,[name | number] | [attribute,flag]]) expr data string name int attribute,number,flag
data | specifies the value against which to test fields. The field data will be converted to data's datatype before the comparison.
name | (optional) specifies the name of a particular field to test.
number | (optional) specifies the value of a field to test.
It must evaluate to a valid field
sequence number.
attribute | (optional) specifies a bitmask.
flag | (optional) if set to true, specifies that all fields with any of the user attributes are checked; otherwise, all fields that do not have any of the user attributes are checked. |
{ if (field_test(NULL,"ADDRESS") > 0) p.af = field_seq("PHONE"); else p.af = field_seq("ZIPCODE"); }Tests to determine if the primary key is complete:
if (field_test(NULL,uat_prikey,true) != 0) error("Primary key is not complete.");