
Executes a row-oriented SQL statement.

Available in:

Apps (win) Apps (char) Reportwriter RPC Standalone PL


int exec_row(statement[,host-variable,...])
string       statement
expr         host-variable


Uses the current database connection to determine the name of the unique row identification column. For example, Oracle uses ROWID and Rdb uses DBKEY. The host variable reference character varies between databases. To maintain database portability, use the Oracle ``:n'' notation. All other systems replace the ``:n'' with ``?'' notation. Adds a database-specific unique row identification column to the WHERE clause of a statement and executes it. Returns the number of affected rows for UPDATE and DELETE. For other operations, it returns zero (0). If an error occurs in the SQL statement and exec_row() is part of an expression, the function returns -1.
statement specifies the SQL statement to execute.

host-variable (optional) specifies the bind variables (either as variables or hard-coded) for the statement. If host-variable is a list, all host-variable references are resolved from the list.

If exec_proc() isn't specified, the function escapes to the window trigger error trap (TRIMapp) operating system command shell (TRIMreport or stand-alone TRIMpl systems).


Deletes a particular window list row from the database. The row identification value is in the first column of the window list.

exec_row("DELETE FROM staff WHERE :1 = ",list_curr(p.wl,0));

Deletes several rows from the database.

list dl;        /* dl has 1 column */

exec_row("DELETE FROM staff WHERE :1 = ",dl);