The requested data conversion failed. Check that the requested data is of the appropriate type. For example, this error would occur if you requested a character column to be fetched into an integer and the character data did not consist all of digits.
The SQLDA structure has not been initialize correctly. Check that the first three fields are set as required.
The specified column is not a BLOB column.
For the RDBMSs that keep BLOB data in external files various file operations could fail.
The length of the blob does not match the length specified in an earlier call.
Use BLOB specific functions to return BLOB data.
The loaded DLL does not contain the expected entry point. This typically happens when the wrong DLL has been loaded and only occurs on machines that support DLLs.
Could not load the specified DLL. The DLL is either missing or invalid. This error will only occur on machines that support DLLs.
Loaded DLL is not thread safe.
The driver COMMAND expects the command line's first token to be an integer.
A parameter to the driver COMMAND is invalid.
The DB driver has not been configured. The first call must always be the CONFIG call.
The driver specified in the connect string cannot be found.
VORTEXaccelerator's fetch buffer has been exceeded. This assertion error only occurs if VORTEXaccelerator is being used. The fetch buffer used in VORTEXaccelerator has a fixed maximum size in shared memory.
The cursor being used for the FETCH has previously been closed.
This assertion error occurs if too many parameters are specified. The current limit is approximately 250 parameters. Note that multiple dimensions are not included in this limit.
The cursor has not been initialized. The cursor must be set to -1 before the first call and cannot be modified after subsequent calls.
No more cursors available. Please allocate more logical cursors allocated.
The cursor must be valid from a previous VTXOPEN() call.
Assertion error. The format of the date and/or time data is invalid.
The version of the DB driver is not at the same level as the VORTEXchannel runtime library. This error is most common when VORTEXclient/server is being used, but can also occur if an older driver has been linked with a newer runtime library.
Assertion error. This could occur if the data being converted to an internal number is invalid.
The version of the precompiler that generated the VORTEXcli calls is not at the same level as the VORTEXcli runtime library. You must use the same version level for both products.
Invalid UPDATE statement for BLOB processing. Sybase specific error.
Too many bind variables specified for a particular stored procedure or prepared statement.
There are too many DB cursors open. Either configure VORTEXchannel to allocate more DB cursors or close any cursors that you do not need.
The query will return more columns than have been allocated. Modify your query or allocate more columns when you initialize VORTEXchannel.
This error only applies to 16-bit Windows and indicates that the 4 concurrent connection limit has been exceeded.
TRIMtools error indicating that too many logical cursors have been requested. Allocate more logical cursors in 'trim.ini'.
The query will return more rows than expected. This will happen in an embedded SQL program where a single row is expected.
A connect must be performed before any other operations.
There is no DB driver available for the requested connection. Check that your connect string is correct. If you have built the product from VORTEX libraries make sure that the link sequence is correct.
This is a fatal error. Either there is no more heap memory available (rare) or the heaps have been corrupted. Notify your system administrator immediately.
Oracle's oopt() function requires two integer parameters. Please see Oracle's OCI documents for more details.
'Piggy-back' file operation failed.
A positioned EXECute (UPDATE or DELETE) requires an previously opened and positioned cursor. The cursor must be open in 'for browse' mode. Only occurs in Sybase and Microsoft's SQL Server.
A positioned EXECute (UPDATE or DELETE) requires an previously opened and positioned cursor.
This assertion error only applies to 16-bit Windows. Contact your DBA immediately if this error occurs.
The datatype of a described datatype is unknown. This is an assertion error that may occur if a RDBMS has introduced a new datatype and an older VORTEX driver is being used.
Assertion error. An unsupport DB driver function has been encountered. Please see your system administrator.
A query has return zero columns. This will happen when the query is not a SELECT statement.